In any number of ways, OMG can offer individuals, small groups, synod staffs, congregations, and large assemblies a way to sort through specific or general questions about theology, faith, and the practice of each.
Although many questions might be similar from person to person, and from group to group, Anna recognizes that the context shapes the questions. In this way, you can be sure that each presentation will be tailored to the specific setting.
Whether it be in person or via video, Anna will strive to set up sessions and formats that work for you.
To honor the integrity, depth, and context of the question(s) and the questioner(s), there is a two-session minimum for individual and small group meetings.
100 (+tax)
Up to three individuals per hour; two session minimum.
2,000 (+tax)
Daily fee plus travel, room, and board expenses. For further information, please contact her in the form below.
Have you started to wonder whether you believe what you say you do, or why you believe what you do? Have you had an event that has jarred you into thinking about your faith in new ways? Have you always been curious to know more about something in your faith or your religious tradition? Is there a recent headline that makes you wonder about God? Schedule one-on-one sessions with Anna to learn more, think deeply, explore, and wonder with a companion and guide. Our talks will never be geared to reach a particular conclusion, and will be confidential.
InquireChildren and youth need to question in order to learn. Parents may often feel uncomfortable in answering those important questions related to a child's faith. Parents are welcome to attend with their child, or to send their child to OMG to explore some of his or her own particular religious questions. For families, it's a great way to have intentional conversations about God that can shape the family's communal faith.
InquireRegardless of whether you and your partner share or have different beliefs, OMG provides a place to learn about them, and how they can be incorporated into your way of being a couple, and, if there are more than the two of you, your family's way of being family.
InquireChurch groups and families are welcome to wonder and explore the questions of theology at OMG. Guided by Anna's theological training, always working toward a goal to deepen one's understanding of religious claims and their implications, you will leave your time at OMG with a broader concept of what you believe, why you believe it, and what difference it makes.
InquirePastors are called to be the "resident rabbi," the teacher of a congregation. No teacher, though, is worth his or her salt if they don't themselves learn. If you have continuing education resources, consider using OMG. With Anna, you can hone your personal area of inquiry, and never have to leave your family or work. Be it in person or over Skype, Anna is available to serve your needs.
InquireChurch councils and congregations can benefit from outside comment and counsel. When you invite OMG to assist in your congregational self-reflections, Anna will never bring a canned program to help your envisioning and plans. Instead, she will aid your parish in discerning the interplay between your theological moorings and your specific context. With these ideas in mind, your congregation can move more creatively forward in worship, in congregational leadership and life, and in missional vision and action.
InquireJust as parishes need a periodic fresh look at the congregation, so too do synods and their staffs at their particular ministries. If you are a member of a synod or diocese, Anna will be happy to meet with you and your colleagues to help bring new imaginative focus to your callings.
InquireAnna Madsen is under call from the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). She is not a licensed counselor.
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