The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be

September 8 - 10, 2014

Event Details

Fall Professional Leaders’ Conference
Detroit Lakes, MN

Endorsements From This Event

  • Thank you so much for your willingness to be the presenter at the Eastern North Dakota Synod Fall Theological Conference. Since it was your first time gathering with the rostered leaders of our synod, there was sense of curiosity and anticipation concerning you and the message you would bring. I am delighted to say the rostered leaders are using words such as intelligent, thought-provoking, engaging, humorous, authentic and contextual to describe you and your presentations. Since our time together, I have had a number of rostered leaders tell me you were ‘just what they needed’ and are still ‘thinking deeply about the conversations.’ Job well done, good and faithful servant! My hope and prayer is you will continue to equip, challenge and engage the leaders of this church. You are pure gift. I want to remind you of the parting words I spoke to you upon the conclusion of our conference, ‘you arrived as our presenter, but left as our friend.’ Already I am being asked, ‘when will Anna return?’ Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Bishop Terry Brandt, Eastern North Dakota Synod

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